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Growth. Good for our customers and good for us.

Growth. Good for our customers and good for us.

Each person in our organization brings to their position a dedication which management feels is unmatched by any of our peers. In a great measure, this has allowed Great Lakes to rise to a position of leadership in its industry, in a relatively short period of time.

Ray Clausen
Great Lakes Systems, Inc.

Great Lakes Systems is Industry Approved and Involved

At Great Lakes Systems, we’re very selective in the roofing-related manufacturers and their products that we choose to use for the benefit of our customers. Likewise, our history, ethics and workmanship has earned us manufacturer-approved applicator status from the following:

Great Lakes Systems is knowledgeable of the latest roofing trends, products, technology and industry-related legislative issues because we’re actively involved in the following professional trade associations and business organizations:


Does roofing experience really matter?

We sincerely believe it does. It not only reflects longevity and instills credibility, it provides knowledge to benefit those that follow.